Category: Animation

  • Draft Panel of “Jim’s Bath”

    So the whole “making the storyboards for the Ninjas vs. Pirates” bit made me want to do some more animation, and since I’m a freelance journalist, I sort of have that ability to handle some writing and animating right now.

    In any case, I’ve come up with a small story I might be able to throw at Tropfest next year and I just thought that you – my one and only reader – would like to see the panel I’ve bee nworking on for the past hour and a bit.

    It looks better up close so make sure to click on the image...
    It looks better up close so make sure to click on the image…

    I’m planning to keep the style pretty rough with an almost “dried paint” look. I’m doing a tone of layering here and don’t worry, there will be character animation. It’ll be loose, expressive, and likely piss me off… but I think it’ll be worth it in the end.

  • Khartoum Capers’ “Transit Lounge” on YouTube :)

    There. Go spread forth and… do stuff… with it… you know… stuff… :P

  • Khartoum Capers’ “Transit Lounge” is done!

    Well here it is, my finished work after 2 years on & off working on it.

    Transit Lounge. 

    Click on the final production still to see it bigger!


    If I ever have to make something like this, I'm story boarding it. Seriously. That would have made things so much easier.

    Truth be told, however, if I didn't have Tash (my girlfriend) in my life, I doubt I would have finished it. She inspires me and keeps me inspired.

    In any case, more pictures in the "continued reading" bit as well as the link to the full animation.


  • Two Bricks

    To celebrate the amazingly stupid workplace changes name reform that’s going on and to dodge the issue of my sheer laziness, I’m putting my failed Tropfest 2007 entry online so people can watch it… all twelve of you who visit my blog.

    But there’s a catch.

    There’s always a catch, isn’t there?

    That catch is… you must sleep with m– no. That’s not the catch. I’m just messing with you.

    The catch is that it’s not dial-up friendly. The Flash download is around 25mb and because of that, you’ll have to click on the “Continue reading” at the end of this entry or the name of this blog entry to look at it.

    I will be launching either an AJAX video lightbox page or a Flash video gallery with this and other videos on it later on, but for now this’ll work I expect.
