Khartoum Capers’ “Transit Lounge” is done!

Well here it is, my finished work after 2 years on & off working on it.

Transit Lounge. 

Click on the final production still to see it bigger!


If I ever have to make something like this, I'm story boarding it. Seriously. That would have made things so much easier.

Truth be told, however, if I didn't have Tash (my girlfriend) in my life, I doubt I would have finished it. She inspires me and keeps me inspired.

In any case, more pictures in the "continued reading" bit as well as the link to the full animation.

Click on the final production still to see it bigger!

Click on the final production still to see it bigger!

Click on the final production still to see it bigger!

Click on the final production still to see it bigger!

…and here's what you've all been waiting for (well, some of you anyway):

Khartoum Capers – Transit Lounge

For those wondering, the webpage is mostly set up. I'll be adding some meta-tags in there later but short of bio & contact information for the band, I'll work that out later on. They'll also be posting it to YouTube later on.


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